Day Today

By Feathers14

The Fall Guy

So the clocks changed on Saturday night/ Sunday morning. This means it's officially Autumn now? Either way, it's a good job my phone changed times automatically because I'd completely forgotten about ('forgotten' implying that I ever knew it was coming up - living in a bubble at Uni can screw with your head sometimes) and would then have been mighty confused about why my lectures weren't at the right times.

This is the lake and trees (both of which are very pretty) outside the Maths and Statistics building where some of my lectures are held. The sky was a complete wash-out and Axel's photography lessons taught me that when they sky is a mass of clouds then you don't want to fill up too much of the frame with it, so I tried to hide and disguise this by using the tree to frame the picture.

It was sunnier earlier on the day, and really cold so your breath hangs in the air in front of you. Those are my favourite kinds of days.

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