Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Date Night

We set aside Friday evenings for time to be together, often to see a movie or play after dinner out, but this time to stay cozy at home across the table from each other doing crafts.

Hence, today's Blip title incongruous with its subject matter.

While she encouraged her thoughts and feelings to flow through her hand and color instrument onto a sheet of paper, her contraptioneer sat across from her, assembling a tiny mechanical replica of a really large thing.

Kind of a demonstration of classic gender roles maybe - beautiful flow of feelings and communication contrasted with tiny non-functioning replica of a large machine.

It all sounds rather too dissected at this point, but I'm leaving as it is just to show my thought-flow. The outcome of the evening was that we got to spend it together and enjoy each other's company, each appreciating a window into still another aspect of how our most-loved human operates in this earth.

I love her very much, and I know that she loves me. And because of my respect for her, I respect her opinions of me as well, and find that I often benefit from a second opinion.

Now, about the photo itself - Almost everything in the photo is tiny, except for the cuticle clipper and tweezers which are normal size and offer a good size reference for the model. The Channel-Lock pliers on the right are actually also really tiny as Channel-Locks go, but are indeed fully functional. I found them in my grandfather's things among some souvenir items, and I suspect that as a master machinist he may have received a gift from a salesman back in the 1930s or 40s. But given that they are fully-functional and tiny, when they do get used there is nothing else that could take their place, for instance crimping those ridiculously tiny tabs that hold the sides of the Ferris wheel cars in place in this model.

This is a very fine time of life for me, accepting the blessings of my heritage and integrating them with all the blessings of my life today. I am a very grateful man.


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