MrR met me...

...after Bible Study Group this evening and we went in the Weim walk.

After a rather wet walk home from the station it was thankfully dry and the sky was very pretty. Took a couple of shots while we were walking, the other one is here.

I like the quiet road in this one and the whispy bits of red in the sky. Love the silhouette of the tree in the other.

At Bible Study we are actually not studying the Bible just now but have been working our way through “Mere Christianity” by C S Lewis. It certainly tests the old grey matter, very thought provoking. Some good discussions have been had round it.

Originally delivered as a series of monologues on radio during the war. I find myself reading a chapter and then I re-read it to make sure I have the gist of it. Not sure I would have been able to follow his line of thought just listening to it. I wonder if that is a reflection of the times and how our brains now flit from one thing to the other...or it could just be a reflection on :-)

Grateful for books that make you think and good discussions.

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