
By stuartjross

Thought Bubble

Unusual, a second consecutive office day today such was the magnitude of data to be pulled together from the last week or so. The rest of the day would benefit from a clear head so M and I had a brisk walk up to Lochan na h-Earba. Brisk? Apparently very. I clearly have a habit of revolving work related issues about in my head as I walk. I don't know if it is like a stress thing, or simply that I am trying to keep physical pace with my lines of thought.

I could hear a distant voice coming from out with my virtual bubble;

"You're walking awful fast again"

M when walking in any other company these days is perceived, by family or friends, to walk at a hell of a pace. But here the gait to accompany my thoughts had me unwittingly racing away from her.

"Sorry, was I speeding up again?"

Brain out of gear and now enjoy this lovely walk with my wife and the dogs.

My opening words today should of course have been about Bruce. He is eight years old today and what better way to celebrate than with one of his favourite walks. I have mentioned before that he is very camera shy and I didn't get a decent shot of him. M, with the lure of a delicious pear core, snapped a fine image of the brown boy and this is her blip subject today.

Birthday Boy

I have gone with a very similar shot to 21 October of Caley on the beach between swims. You can just make out melting snow in the shadow of the tussock next to him.

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