Start of Day...

It didn’t however finish well tho and is now raining and awful out.
Oh course we are all cosy in but I am an outside sort of dog as long as it isn’t wet on my feet and my furls in which case I’m not, except for grub time when I sorta am as long as it takes, and then I’m not again.

The Boss had a bad day as they wouldn’t let him into U3A ‘Cos he had been honest and hadn’t registered for all the sessions at the start and was therefore a “late registration” and would have had to wait until everyone else was seated to see if there were any seats left.
So he left and visited a friend with tech questions about replacing his 15 year old TV instead and had cheese muffins..I could smell them before he got in the car. Disgusting! 
Wanaka is struggling with increased population and small venues and already has 3 Probus clubs so it will be “Plan B” next time.

The Carpet Bloke came today and I spent the afternoon attached. The Boss said that was the safe option as doors are often left open and there is a very main road outside and I am attracted to loud noises…It’s a Wheaten thing.
The Bossess comes back from Aus tomoro so I will discuss all this with her. Another girl will understand.


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