Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks


We're in Islay at the moment. You don't come to Islay for the wrens, you come for the geese, the birds of prey and the whisky, but when you get a good photo you've just got to blip it, even if you're a week behind.

Can't say the weather's being that good to us, basically it's just a case of driving round in our mobile hide. The couple of times we've ventured out the car we've returned rather damp. Today we were hunting one of our bogey birds a Merlin, we failed, but we did get a couple of cracking photos. It was a toss up which to blip, but the Wren won. The blood thirsty among you can head over to RCB to see the alternative. You'll also find he's a bit more up to date with his blipping so you can see some of our Islay birding highlights.

I'll catch up with the back blips, which will include the reason why the recent exif data is showing 400mm instead of the 500mm that's been the norm for the last couple of years.

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