knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Is it the weekend yet?

I've had enough of this week.
Been feeling yucky since last night and still not gone away. Things just seem to keep popping up to make me feel even more grumpy as well.
Had to take the cat to the vet for a blood test. She seems to be doing fine but it still took 3 of us to hold her down. She's half the size of a normal cat.
Went and did the shopping and got some new clothes which helped lift my mood a tiny bit.
Spent the rest of the day chilling out and watched the Addams family with thom. Forgot how good it was and thom liked it.
Desperate blip of the work in progress basket. Really want this cleared so I can start some new stuff.
Thank god it's nearly the end of the week as need a fresh start.

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