A chair ....

Not a chair only. It has a certain value for the family, specially Mrs B and me. The chair belonged to Mrs. B`s grandparents. Her grandfather, who passed away more than 50 years ago, was a sea captain. I never met him but became a good friend of his wife. His hand has been touching this arm rest many times. Many others after him. Even his grand children, great grand children and great great grand children. The older I get I pay more attention to things like this, at the same time as I see the younger generation throw away old things to modernize with new modern fancy things. Did the same when I belonged to the younger generation. Glad to have kept some few tangible memories from our ancestors. They have a higher value today. May it be kept that way within the family. Is it normal to be a bit emotional at a certain age?  The grand children are coming back tomorrow to stay overnight. Get a bit emotional when I am together with them. I wish you a nice weekend.  

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