The Dinner.

I have been so busy that my blippping has taken a back seat, but I am still here!

So to summarise. Last week after I had recovered from the show things seemed then to go down hill rapidly! It took ages to simply reassign all the bowls, dishes and items used for the hospitality tent at the show. Also had rather a lot of emails to deal with and just general housekeeping stuff like oh dear there is no food in the house!

Anyway I felt I had just about got on top of everything when as a result of the fight Lula and Pip had had she was still not getting any better and by the Tuesday still could not weight bear on her front leg. I know she can be a bit of drama queen but it was very obvious that she was still in a lot of pain. So Off to the vets again where they decided that we needed to X Ray her on Thursday. Oh the joy of it. More expense. In the meantime I was involved in preparation for our County Rally for YFC and had to help with guiding flower arrangers and those doing cookery. Up to my neck!

Thursday morning early arrived and I took Pip in to the vets. She detests the vets due to a bad experience when a pup, so she is a quivering mass as we arrive! I leave her looking at me with he soulful little eyes! About 2 hours later a phone call to say she seemed to be weight bearing on it again and they felt she didn’t need and x ray. PHEW! So Home again still sore but improving. Obviously she was milking the situation as she was being carried around a lot like a princess. All she needed was a red velvet cushion!!

Farming - ARGHHHHHH! Think that sums it up! Started off with the Show evening. Hitched the Forager to the muck spreader ready for the off and the forager won’t go into road mode. So we are going no where! And we need it in the morning, and it’s bank holiday. Next morning they come out and by Wednesday we have it running but when we go to use it the additive won’t work. Then the muck spreader decided that a bearing would like to go. Another trip to Frome which is miles away. So muck spreader situation gets worse when a tyre goes and one of the hydraulic pipes. Mr Tbay Jnr is raking and a wheel falls off the rake and to finish off a bad week Rusty manages to break two hydraulic pipes on the buck rake when taking it off the tractor. Hoping the forthcoming week will be a shed load better!

Friday we headed for London where we had a MOST fantastic evening. A dear old family friend hosted a 60th birthday party at the Barbers-Surgeon’s Hall in London. See picture above and extras . We had the most wonderful evening with superb surroundings of the Barbers Hall . Champagne flowed, food was super and catching up with so many of Mr Tbays old friends was lovely. Then it was an hour on a packed train home which was very entertaining due to the other passengers were wedged in with who had spent a an evening at the O2 arena watching the Nickleback concert.

The next bit of the evening Blippers should be a warning to you all. The Champagne (my only weakness in life) and wine had flowed and I had enjoyed my evening where no driving was required so I should have gone straight to bed when we arrived back at Mr Tbays brothers house where we were staying. However he had chilled a very nice white for a little pre bed glass of wine. Oh dear, half a bottle later (me on my own I am ashamed to confess!) I retired to bed at 3:00 am. 9:00 am came around all too early when we had to be off to get to the YFC Rally! It is fair to say I felt rather like a Greek wrestlers armpit! Or like the bottom of a parrots cage. Take your pick!

Rally attended we headed home to collapse in an armchair by 4:00 with a good strong cup of tea. This being 60 is quite exhausting at times!

But amongst all the problems of a contractors life good news for the Tbay Jnrs and Little Miss who’s had the all clear from her recent chest infection. This is such good news as had the last lots of antibiotics not worked we would have had a 3 week stay on hospital having intravenous antibiotics. Such a relief!

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