I love...

...this wee pic from today. Lots of pics from today, a full day at the Castle Semple Rowing Club Regatta. 04h30 rise for me so I could do my yoga and meditation, before shower, breakfast, paper round, pick up another rower, drive to Lochwinnoch, deposit boys 1hr 50 mins before race within the minimum 90 minutes before race limit. Phew!

Lots of nice walks round that Loch, the Fangle and I did a couple while the Rooster was hanging out with his rowing buddies and rigging boats. Love the Fangle’s smiley face and smiley eyes in this one.

We weren’t walking obviously when the Rooster was rowing, we and his Grandpa were his cheerleaders then :-).

Three races today, Novices heat...which they got through to Novices final from and came 2nd. J14 coxed four they were 3rd today.

Absolute scorcher of a day. Beautiful.

Home at the back of 19h00...rant at two older ones for state of kitchen...ordered pizza for Barmy Army as I was not cooking in kitchen in that state at that time of night...Weim walk which the Buncle accompanied me on and daughter did manage to empty dishwasher while we were out.

Then a wee bit of Eurovision...but I didn’t last to the end...had to leave Es to it.

Grateful that I made my deadline this morning and for a lovely day.

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