Working Sunday

The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only - and that is to support the ultimate career.

Adrienne and the children head to church while Gáspár and I begin work on book 2 in earnest. We break for coffee, but by lunchtime we’ve got a detailed structure in place.

Lunch is on the patio. Egg soup is followed by gulyás, with a choice of bulgur, rice, or pasta. The children tend towards rice and pasta, the adults, bulgur. Paprika is the dominant ingredient. Then there’s chestnut cake for pud.

Back to work. The afternoon passes, interrupted with a brief outing en masse to a local ice cream shop. And then it’s time to head to the airport. The children come along for the ride - tempted by the exoticism of a foreign stranger.

The flight is only marginally late. There’s a bus waiting, my car starts, the house stands empty. I feed the chicks.

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