Look Who's Back!!

3years 12days

We are very excited in the MeandMyGirl Household. Last night, our much loved and missed rabbits, Bert and Ernie returned to our home. With BabyGrey. They said goodbye to Bob and Wendy, BabyGrey's siblings, who now live with Brooke and her family. Here begins the journey we/they/my poor parents have been on to get this far. Including their first blip appearance and the photo that convinced me BabyGrey absolutely had to join our family.

Katie is extra happy as the rabbits have a new hutch and the house bit of it is off the ground, over a run for them. This puts them at perfect height for her to stand to talk to, and it gives them a little platform to come and nose to nose with her. The four of them are extremely happy with the arrangement.

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