Baby Dinham

Went to Amy’s baby shower with Gaynor and Allegra - really pretty decorations and nicely done - but like a kids birthday party only the kid is still in utero! An extra of her and Jay when he turned up to help clear up at the end.

Plus some extras of Paul’s birthday present to Zion - “palaeontologist Joe” turned up at the door saying he’d been told some new potential excavation sites for dinosaur fossils had been found. So Paul asked Zion if he’d help. He gave him a palaeontologist tool kit to help - with a trowel, brush, torch, etc etc.

Then we all set off into the park led by Joe - to site one, which was marked off by sticks in the ground and string marking the square - nothing was found - I got the impression Zion was just enjoying the adventure and wouldn’t mind if we didn’t find anything! Then at site two after some digging he was very excited to find 3 dinosaur eggs!! (To be taken home and chiselled to find out what was inside), then a phone call received by Joe put us on to a third site (all of these were through nettles and trees - child safety obviously wasn’t too high in the paleantologist’s priorities!) - Zion found two more eggs and Allegra found a third - to be taken home and left to soak in water to see what emerges... all in all a great expedition for his memory bank!

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