Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB


In a bad wind storm earlier this year, the plum tree fell over and with it the squirrel feeder that was hanging from it.
After the branches were cleared from the fallen tree the squirrel feeder was too exposed and the peanuts sat inside for lack of a brave squirrel to come get them.
Then a few days ago, I saw one of the two squirrels perched on the corner of our garden shed. Squirrel quickly leaped onto the nearby Apple Tree and scampered off to Parts Unknown.
So I decided to move the squirrel feeder over to Squirrel's apple tree and also mount a SquirrelCam on the corner of the garden shed so that I could have a close-at-hand view of the activity.
Little did I know Squirrel would take such a personal interest in the camera. Every time squirrel left the squirrel feeder it would come by close to the camera occasionally even looking at its beady little lens.
Unfortunately, because of lag between my capture button and the spy cam, I got many many pictures of little bits of unrecognizable fur and only a couple with recognizable squirrels faces of which this is one.
Color balance is weird due to lighting and poor quality SquirrelCam, but I thought it was a pretty cool capture nonetheless.

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