
By Northnexposure

Stone walls do not a prison make,

Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage
;If I have freedom in my love,
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone that soar above,
Enjoy such liberty.

To HMP Lowdham Grange near Nottingham, where my son has just got through half's time in a highly restrictive B cat prison. It was a regular weekend visit to him, accompanied by his wife and son, and his younger brother.
I have  hesitated before showing this grabbed photograph. I don't think security would take kindly to my wandering around happily snapping the 20ft high security mesh topped by the glinting dragon's teeth of razor wire. But this was my life on Sunday morning, as it is on a monthly basis, and since I have come to see this Blipfoto  more as a visual record of my days, than an exercise in photographic excellence (some hope!), in the interests of honesty and transparency I offer this photo to the small band of viewers who come my way. But most importantly, as I and many others see my son's incarceration as a grotesque miscarriage of justice that will sooner or later be righted, I have no problem in showing this photo.And if you want to know more just ask. 
And thanks to Fairport Convention - not a song I knew - that's where the wonders of this site take you.

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