What's your name, little black cat?

This morning Minstrel was losing his marbles on the table by the window. I looked out to see what was sending him so crazy, and I saw this very pretty, fluffy cat in the back yard. I've seen him/her around the area before. 

Minstrel wasn't too impressed at a strange cat being in his yard, but the interloper calmly jumped onto the windowsill to get a better look at him. This sent him into even more of a frenzy whilst the new kitty gazed dispassionately on.

Another more regular kitty visitor to the yard, known to us as Big Fluff is out there currently. She has a similar appearance - but black and tan in colour, and less well groomed. Minstrel is used to her now and accepts her being in "his" yard. In the house may be a different story, though I think she is secretly hoping we will welcome her in!

In between feline visitors, my parents picked me up from home and we went to JTF warehouse for chicken supplies, then back to theirs. I've done a bit of grocery shopping and a few other jobs for them.

This year, for the first time in my life, I appear to be suffering from hay fever! A few others I've spoken to have said the same. The pollen must be very plentiful - or extra-strong somehow!

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