Is it 4 o clock yet Mummy?

Nursery. Practicing for sports day.

Today was CyclopsJnr's first swimming lesson. Well he did Turtle Tots for two years but has been freestyling god the last two. We thought he might benefit from a bit of professional encouragement to swim unaided and as he is four this week (!) he could join small group classes at a local hotel pool.

CyclopsJnr was very excited. I wanted to keep things low key so he had the energy for swimming. So he sat watching tv with his armbands on, asking if it was time yet every two minutes.

The lesson went well. He was the littlest one of four and they mainly seemed to do a lot of swimming up and down, with arm floaty things and normal floats then on their backs. He did ok with all that, bobbing along. I saw a bit of progress with his kicking. The last part was jumping in. The kids stood in a line with no buoyancy aides and CyclopsJnr was last as they always do to let the newbies see what to do. The intention was clearly for the kids to jump in one at a time as the instructor held their hand / caught them. As the first girl went, so did CyclopsJnr. The look on the instructor's face! Aaargh! Nervous girl in one hand while the littlest kid is underwater a few metres away. CyclopsJnr calmly swum to the side and climbed out by himself. Hoho. I wasn't concerned in the slightest as I knew he could do that. 

At the end the instructor said "He was more confident than I expected" ... yup, we get that all the time.

CyclopsJnr said he enjoyed it. Especially the jumping in.

After, we had a babyccino in the Starbucks attached to the hotel where the pool is. 


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