A beacon

A splendid day in Glasgow. We went by train from Carlisle and soon made it to the wonderful Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (extra). Sitting in the sunny restaurant conservatory with a light, late breakfast was a delight. The main reason for the trip was to see the current Charles Rennie Mackintosh exhibition, which is excellent. I recommend this to anyone who has an interest in his work and that of the Glasgow Style (and can get there of course!). 

We spent a long time at Kelvingrove, as one does. Then we headed back to the city centre and lunch. After which we discovered The Lighthouse. I can’t believe I have been to Glasgow so many times and never been there or even seen it. The building was originally designed in 1895 by Mackintosh to house The Glasgow Herald. It is now Scotland’s Centre for Design and Architecture, the interior space having been completely reimagined. It sees itself as a beacon for the creative industries in Scotland and holds many exhibitions. Gordon went to the top of course, climbing a lot of stairs. I left him to it. He said the views over the city were amazing. I was happy to take his word for it. We then got the train back, still in the sunshine. 

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