Pixel H

By PixelH


It's freezing in here without my carpets. New ones get fitted tomorrow so thats good. Plus I think the boiler is broken. Never rains and then it pours. Plus on removing the lino in the kitchen I discovered huge cracks in the cement running across the length of the kitchen.

Apparently, as a rule of thumb if you can get your whole hand into a crack in masonary, thats when you should worry. I'm using the same rule of thumb with a cement floor. I think we have a few more years before worrying.

Anyway, this is all quite emotional stuff. Mixed emotions again. Can't wait to get some non stained carpets (the old ones were horribly, horribly stained with red wine thanks to too many gallons of red wine being consumed on beige carpets), but it's making everything feel a bit too real.

Hope your Sundays have been quiet and enjoyable.

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