Has been a while

Friday once more, weekend again :-)
Playing about with my new camera (still have a lot to learn before I can get a decent tune out of it)
My sky is a little hazy tonight, and there are a few fireworks going off.
It's a bit chilly out, but a nice night for a bonfire party :-)
I'm kind of surprised what I've caught in this shot.
The moon, above the moon and slightly to the left is the star called Nath in the constellation of Taurus and is the point of one of the bull's horns, the point of the other horn is roughly where the moon is in this shot and this is also where Messier 1 ( the crab nebula may be found)
Moving over the right is the giant planet Jupiter and one of it's moons (I can see it in my picture, but you may not be able to see it)
To the right of Jupiter is the star called Aldebaran (the eye of the bull) which is part of a star cluster known as the Hyades (think I've spelt that right)
Hope you all have had a brilliant Friday and have a fantastic weekend

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