Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Valencia Rooftops

We decided to explore an area outside of the city today by taking a train to Benifaio so that we could explore the village of Almussafes. We has found some interesting photos in a guide book. However although we found the town we didn't find the old village, which was disappointing. So we relaxed with a beer for an hour or so before getting the train back to Valencia. This photo was taken just after we left the Estatió Nord. Time for lunch and then a siesta before venturing out again this evening. Valencia was heaving with lots of tourists, hen and stag parties. We wandered around for a while before finding our favourite tapas bar for a snack and sangria.

Congratulations to Prince Harry and Meghan (the Duke and Duchess of Sussex) on their marriage. She did look beautiful and they make a lovely couple. We are very honoured that they chose our Ruby Wedding Anniversary for their special day.

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