
By tookie

Azelia Dance

The colors across the board right now are sooo vivid and beautiful....blooms everywhere, new leaf growth in shades of greens that delight the heart, the fresh smells from a light rain on asphalt...I like that smell and the smell of freshly cut grasses....spring in full force and well on the way to summertime...or so it seems at the moment.  I do know how fast that can change here in the PNW.  
    I saw an uplifting documentary calle RBG.....a short one telling a bit about the life and works of our Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg....I hadn't fully realized the impact she has had on our gender equity and our rights as women.  What a powerhouse and legal workhorse she has been and still is!!!  What a dynamic personality beneath her quiet unassuming robe:)   I highly recommend seeing it if you get the chance!  Go here to see the trailer on this great little film.

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