
By merlbec

New big sister

I've known this little girl for almost all of her almost 2 years. On Thursday morning she became a big sister, and I visited the little family on Friday evening as they were getting ready to go home from hospital. I took a few photos, mostly of her new baby brother Emlyn, but also a few general family pics, including this one of Isi.

We all went back to the house and had a wonderful "Listeria Supper" - so named for the bacterium which these days is known to threaten pregnant women, and therefore mother Yas was forbidden for 9 months to eat processed meats, smelly cheeses and many other things that she loves. On the menu was brie, white castillian cheese, cream cheese and smoked salmon, capers, prosciutto, rye bread, pumpernickel, crackers, mangoes, red wine and tiger tea. And plenty of music, laughter, breastfeeds, cuddles, and weary snuggling into couches and beanbags.

There were so many photos to choose from for this blip, some more polished than this one, but I think this photo sort of sums up Isi's day - wonderful, new, sometimes overwhelming, but above all very very interesting and exciting.

(Lighting was a combination of hospital fluorescents and a bit of natural light from an overcast day through the window. I think I must have been using the Portrait setting, as Isi's skin tones have been reproduced reasonably accurately).

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