Laon Cathedral

This morning we left our friends in Switzerland and headed in the direction of home. Whilst it's just about possible to drive it in a day, we had already planned to break the journey. 

For lunch we stopped at Riquewihr. There is an association of the most beautiful villages in France and this is one of them. It was a lovely day but the centre wasn't too packed and we enjoyed a good wander around (see the extra for an example).

Back on the road, after plenty of beautiful sunshine we hit a massive downpour as we came through the Vosges. It didn't last too long but the roads went from bone dry to being waterlogged very quickly.
This evening we are staying in Laon. It's a medieval city with a spectacular cathedral (blipped) perched on a hill. We popped up to have a look in the building after dinner and found a choir practicing, the acoustics were fabulous.

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