Party Central

My how things have progressed since May 3rd!  Our oh-so-charming neighbours across the way have wasted no time in continuing to enhance their terrace with an eclectic pastiche of objects guaranteed to ensure a festive party atmosphere.  Recent additions include but are not necessarily limited to:  a new hammock (the old one has been taken down and unceremoniously tossed onto the floor inside), a collection of concrete cinder blocks, a pile of copper piping, an Indian bedspread (currently being used as a "carpet" underneath the hammock, held down to the floor by a selection of rocks),  a selection of hardware items like needle-nose pliers, spray cans, and tape, and last but I'm quite certain not least, an inflatable paddling pool.

Two of our swains are currently out there.  One is labouring mightily (and pathetically unsuccessfully) to inflate said pool.  So far he has attempted to use an electric pump, but the nozzle does not have the correct adapter needed to keep the valve open.  This fact has not occurred to the genius though, and he continues to try to make it work by wrapping yards of sticky tape around the connection where hose and valve refuse to cooperate.  A bicycle pump appeared next, but with similar dispiriting results, so it was back to wrestling with the electric jobbie.  No matter how much tape he throws at things, the pool still refuses to adopt a plump and comfy shape suitable for holding water.  Meanwhile swain #2 lounges languidly on the recently installed hammock, gazing fondly at his cell phone screen.

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