Cockoo wasp and baby caterpillars

My "industrial" blip for TT was boring and lost against these little critters.
So my blip doesn't fit the theme, but they still are very tiny.
This ruby-tailed wasp whizzed along a "Lilien"- mural (Darmstadt 98 surprisingly stay in the second devision) and definitely caught my eyes.
It is a cockoo wasp – they lay their eggs in the nests of other wasp species or wild bees and their young consume the eggs or larva of the host wasp for sustenance.

In the extra you can see newborn caterpillars. They are about 1 cm and they seem to try to dry in the wind. They reminded me of meerkats, checking the environment :-)
But I suppose they are caterpillars of cabbage butterflies.
Edit: No they will be peakock butterflies!

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