My friend

I have oseoarthrisis in my knees; I'm fat and old and they used to get a lot of hammer when I was cycling a lot. Generally they are fine, just a bit creaky, but this week I'm enjoying a flare-up. Thankfully it's only in one knee but it is still painful and makes sleep difficult - this morning I gave up at 04:30 and came down for a cup of tea. 

I'm dosed up on ibuprofen and my little friend in the shot is never far from my side. Ibuprofen gel is also available both upstairs and down. The last major attack hit both knees and I'd have paid any price for a walking stick; I'm better prepared now and there is one in the house and a spare in the car. 

It'll clear soon and we'll laugh at how long it takes me to get down stairs first thing in the morning.

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