Pensioner's eye.

By Popsie64

Seal pup and mum

Been at Donna Nook all day (see reference for Lincolnshire Wildlife trust yesterday).
120 pups so far -only 1000 to go!. Lots of roly poly mums, aggressive males staking a claim to an area of beach, fights, snarling females, pitiful cries from pups, and blackbacked gulls waiting to feed an any afterbirths. it's all action at Donna Nook!
This pup in the picture still has its chord attached - it is just about 2 days old.
Fact of the day! - Grey seal cows are pregnant for about 11 months although active gestation only lasts about 8 months, as the embryo is held in a state of dormancy for 100 days. This is known as obligate embryonic diapause!!

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