Look who's home!

At last, the long wait's over. Yesterday evening the vet asked me if I could come in today to see Gemma and take her for a short walk. Most of her problems had stabilised, but she was apparently incontinent. However, as she'd never had any problems before her illness, the vet felt that it might be partly a protest. Once she'd recovered from the critical phase Gemma had demonstrated her personality - a very loving but very stubborn dog!

She was pleased to see me, wagging her tail, but wouldn't accept a treat. She coped well with the walk round our local park, just stopping to rest a couple of times. Within a minute of leaving the vets she demonstrated that she was totally in control of her bladder when it suited her.

She did so well that the vet said she could come home for twenty-four hours, so that we could monitor her. We left with a bag of medicines (two sorts of antibiotics, a medicine for acid reflux and another medicine to help with bladder control) and instructions to make sure that she ate four small meals and drank plenty of water. She also has a Fentanyl patch to provide pain relief.

So far, so good. She seems to have settled in well, is eating and drinking, enjoyed another short walk and is now sleeping peacefully on her bed behind my desk. We'll be back to the vet tomorrow morning for a check up, but hopefully she's home for good.The vets still don't know the cause of her illness, but Seasonal Canine Disorder has come to the top of the list again.

Thanks again for all the messages of love and support (especially from Shadow :)) I'm sure the positive vibes have helped!

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