
By BlipswithBonnie

Random letters.

So today was a catch up day, mostly spent catching up on lost sleep and then catching up on shopping....trips to the library to hoard in more books that the girls chomp through, a visit to the framers to gather in some more portrait orders, stop by the market to stock up on veg and PORK! And then to Maccie D's for lunch.

Hand on heart - it was the girls first ever visit through the doors to the house of golden arches. Are we hard hearted? Or just plain mean? Well after gorging on happy meals, Mac Chicken sarnies and for Mr B a Big Mac we discussed our fave venues for an eat out treat. Pizza express was a favourite, but didn't match the homemade version. No 17 in Milnthorpe came up tops!

Then home to unpack, play with the random Happy meal toys for a bit, read papers and walk Bonnie.

Then to bath. Where Little P's letter selection for tonight's make a word challenge had me worried. But what else could she have spelt with her choice?

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