Sophie & An Author

Sophie had a sleepover withis last night as Kate had a job interview today and we thought it would be helpful if she could get ready without worrying about Sophie.

The local library had a visiting author this morning called Kathryn White, who read two of her children's books, The Tickle Test and Click Clack Crocodiles Back, and had her audience enthralled. She also got the children making animal masks. The blip shows Sophie with Kathryn, Grandma, the book and her mask. Sophie was tickled pink that Kathryn had signed the copy of the book we bought her.

With today's privacy issue in mind, I checked with Kathryn that she was happy for me to publish this photo and promised to add this link to her website:

After that, we went over to Wells for a couple of hours of fun inthe soft play centre, then spent the afternoon inthe garden where Sophie enjoyed helping plan tthe rest of the bedding plants. She hasn't moved since she went to bed!

Kate phoned late this afternoon to say she'd got the job. It's back at her old school, in the centre they have for students on the autistic spectrum. She'll be working as a Higher Level Teaching Assistants, supporting the students with their literacy. She'd planned to go back into education when Sophie starts school in 15 months time but when this job came up it was too good an opportunity to miss: she loves working with individual students and gives her the chance to use her teaching qualification while being less time-consuming and stressful than teaching.

Being a full time post, it may well mean more Sophie time for us come September.

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