to Pete's Pond

I stood in a bend of the road where I photographed the yellow maple tree when a pickup truck came around the corner. We saw a dozen or more people cutting firewood in the rain and stacking it into pickup trucks and small trailers.

Low cloud, rain while we drove the logging roads to Pete's Pond. At the intersection to the lake, we parked the car. We walked thirty minutes. When we arrived, two men stood around a camp fire. They drove to the lake in a pickup truck while pulling a small aluminum boat. We talked to them about the lakes and the roads, maps and GPS.

I took a few photographs in the rain: muddy roads, potholes, a grader working.

We drive in a 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier, not suitable for logging roads. Too low to the ground. But we keep up our habit of exploring the forests and photographing the scenery.

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