Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic


Decided on the spur of the moment that we would go to the fireworks display at Ragley Hall, even though it was raining quite heavily when we set off.

It wasn't until we were on the site that we realised a) we would have to park in a very muddy field and b) although Gary's car is a 4x4, we'd actually left it on the drive and come in mine, which isn't!

Had to get some of the marshalls to push the car to get parked so we knew it was going to be a challenge getting out again...

Anyway, the bonfire was huge, there was a Michael Buble tribute act singing, Touch FM playing music, lots of different food stalls and then 20 or 30 minutes of fabulous fireworks. The rain mostly held off, it did get colder and colder though.

Then it was time to trudge through the mudbath to get back to the car, an hour of mayhem as lots of cars got stuck, at one point the whole place was at gridlock. Eventually we got moving, and finally got back on the tarmac road through the estate and away.

I think it was worth it, we did enjoy the fireworks, but I think that could be the last event in a field I go to, there's only so much mud I can deal with ;o)

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