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This rather rusted out, elderly revolver was the reason for a major ruckus at the park today.  One of our rangers had to access the fuse box, which is in the Brick Shed, and he found a stash of rifles, and this revolver.

The head ranger has removed them from the store, and they are now all locked up in the gun cupboard.  I can't tell you the location; it's a dark secret - and if I did tell you, I'd have to kill you, which is a bit ironic since the guns have been confiscated.

We have incredibly strict gun laws in this country, as you would most likely know.  All guns of any description have to be registered and either shown to be antiques, or disabled and made safe - in other words no matter how hard you try, you can't fire 'em.  Otherwise they will be destroyed.

These specimens were donated to OGH in the very early 60's long before our modern gun laws came into effect, so now we have to decide what to do.  I think it's most likely that they will be surrendered to the police who will tell us what we can and can't do, and then we will probably hand them over to a place such as Fort Glanville which has a very good weaponry display.

We had no idea that the guns were there, so we spent a good hour searching through records, and finally found when they were donated and by whom, and thankfully some photographs; so we can at least prove we came by them through lawful means.

Every day brings a new challenge.

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