twinned with trumpton


An early start; on the bike before 7 and off on a day largely on the bike. To Cramond and then round thru Barnton and the Gyle; up thru Wester Hailes. Unfit? Moi? Oh yes; toiled I did.

I puffed up to the high point at Oxgangs Road and sped down past Mortonhall and swung right to Ikea; and snaffled a Cigs at the underpass. 

And then tried out the new path which runs from the end of the Straiton retail park down to Newton; some easy miles with little interest though. Skirted Musselburgh and then I poked about at The Fort; and wound my way back through greater Porty and Leith. 

In / bath / breakfast and edited some photos, before once more getting onto a bike to see her. We cycled down to Hidden Door; hopeful we had the sunny afternoon to ourselves; but a call barely an hour into it meant she went back; I came up the road via Asda. 
G went off to gymnastics; we watched crap TV; chicken chorizo salad and some guacamole / prawns to nibble on.

And then off home as G returned (it's just easier - why is it still easier??)

I noticed I had 11km more to get the 100km for the day so set about carrying on up the path to Roseburn and back; came in at 100..4km so slumped in front of the 2nd half of UCL final; with predictable results; if not a predicatble manner. 

Extra is 'her' at Hidden Door

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