
By Leiflife

Olivia on Her Happy Day

May has been a month for graduations. Olivia first from Spring Hill: Magna Cum Laude with a bachelors in Psychology. Her Mother and I made the trip to Mobile to see her graduate under the amazing oaks that grace the campus. Such a happy occasion! And such a moving ceremony... 

Her mother, my daughter, Moira, graduated with honors one week later with a Masters in Social Work, and I attended her remarkable hooding ceremony. Such a proud Mama and grandmother! Two weeks later I had even more reason to be proud when Olivia's brother, Wyatt, graduated from high school, one of the top ten honors students in a class of 420. 

Extras of Livvy's class beneath the oaks, and of Livvy with her mother after the ceremony. I also caught a shot of a lovely, somewhat controversial priest as he processed out the avenue after the ceremony. He was the guest speaker, and spoke beautifully and movingly of the students right to be themselves, whatever those selves consisted of. One more of my happy, beautiful Olivia in the Mediterranean restaurant where we all ate lunch together.

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