
By littlemissquirk


A glorious day. Sun splitting the skies in Lauder and an early morning hot 5K was complete by 9am. Met my mum for our now traditional three half shot lattes ( and ‘erbal tea for me) at The Spotty Dog with two sweaty cyclists who’d biked 30 miles by 10.
Breakfasted the sleepy pyjama gang back at the house, packed the car and off up to Aberfeldy, first trip of the year.
An ice cream in the park catching the last of the sun, it was Mediterranean hot hot hot.
Completed a perfect day with a much intended trio to Aberfeldy community cinema. The Birks to see the spectacular film Edie. Sheila Hancock was her usual brilliant but outdone by the Scottish scenery of Lochinver and Suilven.
Life affirming and uplifting, feel sad then good movie. Much like life itself :)

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