Fried lobster, first of the season

Yesterday was 90 degrees, full out summer weather, today slipped back into the cold damp winds of March. T and I cleaned up our traffic island this morning, our annual civic garden club duty, all bundled up. It was a pretty easy job this year, just clipping back the Russian Sage and weeding a bit around the perennials. We used to plant petunias as well, but the perennials have filled in so much that they are no longer needed. Not needing annuals saves our garden club coffers too. We'll add some mulch tomorrow and it will be complete. 

When that work was done we went for a short drive to Cochato Nursery a lovely place specializing in hostas. T's sister picked out three beauties and we bought some miniature conifers as well and some other things as you can imagine. It's a beautiful place to walk around and the owners are wonderful.

To finish off our day that now had progressed into a cold rain, we headed down to the upper Cape for the first fried lobster of the season. Needless to say it was sweet and sooooo tasty. We're home now, with the heat on relaxing. T & C are playing Bananagrams as I type this and Raspberry is tucked in a warm bed after the piece of lobster meat that I brought home for her. 
We saw Nora yesterday too, always a treat. She's pointing and babbling up a storm, interested in everything. Here she is with Sarah, along with a precious sock doggie made for her by our friend, Paula Banks.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and cloudy. The weather is supposed to be chilly and cloudy tomorrow too. It's all in all rather poor weather weekend to kick off the summer season except for yesterday.

All hands happy to be together.

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