Day 17

Well what a busy,busy day. Walked around Palma all day, but I was shopping so it was great. After I went to see my dear friend Issy which upsetting because I had to say my Goodbyes as she's moving to Germany on Monday... This sort of thing doesn't hit me for a while but it will eventually...
Also went to the Cricket Club for Bonfire Night a little pissed off at the fact that I had to pay 5 euros for the entrance and then 4 euros for a drink and 2 minutes of fireworks, at least the music was really good as they were sponsored by the WaveHouse and they had an 11 year DJ which is friends with a friend but he was amazing! Apparently he's the best DJ somewhere and headlines quite a few events. There was also Radio 1's DJ (don't know his name...) and a 2 people band that were playing some of my favourite songs.
After that we ended up going to some bar in Magluf which I actually enjoyed for once I think it was because I knew I was going to leave at 12:30 ( I hate Magaluf) but I had to say Goodbye to another friend who's going back to England tomorrow morning...

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