Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

Striking Back

Brazil's truck drivers have been on a national strike for a week now, and things are getting tense. Supermarkets are out of food, gas stations are out of gas, hospitals are out of medical supplies. Soon people will begin to die because they can't get to the hospital or because, if they find a way of getting there, they can't get the treatment they need. Congress, facing reelection later this year, is stalling every effort of a very unpopular government do solve the crisis, trying to take political advantage of this calamity. 
We have food for another week or so at our home, but we have to save gas for emergencies. So we're pretty much confined to our house. 
Thank God, the population is still quite calm, as everybody understands that the truckers are doing the right thing - protesting against the disastrous politics that have affected about every aspect of life in a negative way and have caused devastation in such crucial areas as education and health. 
Pray for this beautiful country. We need drastic changes.

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