
By dreaming


Every year, Memorial Day takes me by surprise, because, in my mind, it falls on May 31.  It didn't occur to me that this was Memorial Day weekend until EW mentioned it.

I hate the way that important days are trivialized by being turned into the Monday of three-day weekends.  The significance of the day is lost.  The only one we have left is Veterans Day, which remains November 11 because the veterans raised such a stink when they tried to change it.

When I was growing up, we celebrated Washington's birthday, January 22, and Lincoln's birthday, February 12.  We took the time to learn and think about what those men contributed to the life of our nation.  Now we have Presidents Day, a three-day weekend honoring whom?  All the presidents, regardless of their contributions?  We have given up the day we rejoiced in and celebrated the life of Abraham Lincoln, our greatest President.  What do we remember on Presidents Day?

Memorial Day is a truly important holiday, honoring the dedicated service of many generations of American soldiers.  It deserves to stand alone.  So say I.

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