
In Bushy Park there is evidence of new lives wherever you look, not least with the Red Deer. The hinds have started dropping their calves. They generally do this in the bracken which, by this time of the year has grown high. However, this year it has been slow to reach a height enough to generously hide the deer and their babes. It is not so much the Mums one has to be wary of when encroaching on their territory, but the Aunties. They are extremely protective towards the Mums and babies and will aggressively chase anyone who ventures near the nursery area. There were calves  a way back in the bracken behind this Auntie who was giving me the eye. I was a long way off - this photo was taken with an effective 600mm lens, and was cropped.
I also checked on the Bushy Park Seven - they are growing fast as you can see from my extra photo.

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