Gonionpara Columna

A fine specimen of the Anemone Coral "Gonionpara Columna" (I didn't know that - I have a book to look this suff up in!) at the Islands dive site in Dahab (Sinai, Egypt).

A lovely day diving today. Two hours and nine minutes underwater before lunch and it was just us with the guide - small groups are always better.

We saw a Hawksbill Turtle and a Filamented Devilfish on the first dive. We've not seen Turtles in the Red Sea before and the devilfish was an entirely new species for me. We also saw a very large Napoleon Wrasse, a crocodilefish, some barracuda, and lots of the usual little fish and big corals. Fabulous.

Afterwards we had lunch and a cat with her three kittens came to see us. Obviously I don't think kittens are at all adorable and I wouldn't get involved in tickling them or any such thing (!) but MrsCyclops was pleased to see them.

Tomorrow we're off to some of our favourite sites South of the city.

It's wonderful to be back and see some familiar faces after a two year gap since our last trip. It's also sad to see the town looking so quiet. The global economic situation and th revolution have taken their toll on tourism here - we found it much harder (and more expensive) to find flights than in previous years.

Feeling suitably relaxed and enjoying a beer while I sort out my photos and post my blip!

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