The Early Bird....

Catches the worm, but in this case it was late and he'd caught a caterpillar!

Mum went home yesterday and although she had a good journey, she's lost her gold bracelet.  They says things happen in three's,  so with my diamond and earrings I think that's it now, or I hope so!  Anyway, she's phoned her insurance today and it's covered - she has to send them a photograph and they have a place where they will have one made the same.

I worked through my lunch today and finished at 3pm instead of my usual 4pm as tonight we've had fire safety training which meant I had to go back at 6.30pm.  At least we got to play with a fireman's hose in the car park lol!

I stopped off on my way home to take some photos of the sunset and saw this little robin with his caterpillar, so you have yet another bird blip, but as Robin's are my favourites, there wasn't an option.

I've got rather behind on commenting again over the last few days, but since getting back from Prague I've felt really tired, I think it caught up with me, and tonight's the first night I've not been asleep by 9pm!  Anyway, I'll try and catch up with you tomorrow.

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