A thankyou..

Last night was the golf club dinner dance, organised by Roy and myself, it was our last one, we are resigning our positions as social secretaries of the golf club, it's time someone else did a stint, we have been doing it for 6 years.

Anyway 80 people attended, cava reception 3 course meal, including wine, water and beer all night, everyone enjoyed themselves. I was driving so I had a glass of cava then water for the rest of the evening, Roy consumed a fair amount. I can always tell when he has had too much to drink, he is very unsteady walking down steps, so much so I walked behind him, ready to catch him, but he was okay. Home, a glass of whisky, then bed.

As a thank you from the club members I received a huge bunch of flowers, carnations (2 colours) lilies and dahlias, enough to fill two vases, I did put them in water before I went to bed, as they were looking a little jaded, this morning they have perked up and look beautiful.

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