the eyes have it

The world of my youth was monochrome. I rarely saw people who were different than me in terms of colour or ethnicity. I almost never encountered difference in any way where my cultural norms were challenged. My world was binary.
I now live in an entirely diffrerent place I call home. A place that has been enriched through diversity, but a place that still finds it difficult to develop a truly shared society.  I have no simple answers, but spend my working life trying to make a difference, by taking small steps - like so many others here.
Human rights are neither given nor earned. Although governments can withhold rights, they have no authority to grant what all people have as a birth right - equality! People are born as "rights bearers".
So let us not fear difference, but see it as part of the rich tapestry of life which gifts us all -often  in ways we may never truly know.

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