Yellow Rattle

Today's the day .......................... for biodiversity

To continue the wild flower theme, here's a plant that we found today in the front garden, that - unlike yesterday's weed - is very much a 'plant in the right place'.

We've been trying to establish a small wildflower meadow for several years now - but with limited success.  We've had lots of help and advice from knowledgeable people like Mr & Mrs Knottman, Mrs Penally, and Rob & Jane Petley-Jones, who have given us seed and encouraged us to establish Yellow Rattle.  It's very good at smothering out the coarse grasses and letting more interesting plants in to grow.  This year is the first year that we have been successful.

Oh - and the extra is something else that has re-appeared after we introduced a plant last year.  Very exciting .............................

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