Why are all the camera stores closing?

The first thing is they operate in an uneven playing field which has been influenced by the failure of states to require the collection of sales tax from retailers operating outside of state. Retail stores operate at an 8% -9% disadvantage. 
Next, the information boom.  Consumers used to get advice and expert information from the knowledgeable people at their shop.  Now they get it on their smart phone or iPad.  As the store traffic has declined the sales volume follows. 
Next - Manufacturers rebates. Here’s how it works: the shop sells a $1000 camera to the customer and then deduct the $200 rebate instantly,  In order  to collect the rebate from the manufacturer the shop has to file various documents on a timely basis and hope that they honor and fill those requests in a timely basis. That could be weeks to months.

Point and shoots are the highest margin, highest volume cameras. The new smartphones have cameras that are just too damned good.
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