Happy Boy!

After yesterday's early start, I had a lazy morning today - rudely woken up by Rodney cleaning our bedroom window (the window cleaner, not the robin!)  Anyway, Alan went down to pay him, and I stayed in bed for a bit.

This afternoon I met Vanessa at Bill's in Lewes and on the way back I stopped off at Asda to do a food shop and it ended rather bizarrely.  There seems to have been a nationwide probem with credit card approvals this afternoon, and all the tills in Asda were down.  The queue for the cash machines was rather big, and as I didn't have much in the way of shopping, or cash, I said I'd put it back and leave it for today.  However, a girl appeared and gave each of the cashiers the old carbonated papers to use - my checkout girl was quite young and had never seen these before and didn't know what to do.  I said that she needed a machine and soon after, the machines appeared.  She still didn't know what to do with it, so having used these some years ago, I gave her a lesson which is quite funny seeing as I was the customer, but also quite ridiculous that they didn't know how to use these machines and were expected to!

I then stopped off to see Elif and Luca in the shop as mum had bought Luca an outfit which I said I'd drop off.  He's such a happy little boy and every time I talk to him, I get a huge smile!

We've spent this evening in the Palace, and we even shared a pizza in there, it's been a lovely couple of hours.

Unfortunately our neighbours cat had to be put to sleep just after midnight last night, his injuries were too severe and they thought the surgery would be too much for him, so the decision was made to let him go.  It's very sad, RIP Ned xx

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