family of 4 x

By CarrieMills


little miss socialite had yet another party today. one of the other childmindees birthdays. it was at the same place that we went to on thursday 'notts tots' all the soft play was out and a bouncy castle, it looked great. erin got stuck in straight away. she and a little boy had me in stitches when they found a sea saw and worked it out. they were both in hysterics. so after lots of playing and eating we headed home, both babies were asleep within minutes of leaving the party.

me and the kiddies went down to our local bonfire display tonight, we went with my mum and dad. got there for when it opened at 630 to find out later on that it didn't start until 8!! we were all well and truly frozen by then, but it was a good display, erin loved it! caleb fell asleep as soon as it started.
we also met some more family down there, my cousin, his girlfriend ad their girl mylee (3), my cousins nephew, his girlfriend and their girl (3) we were trying to work out what all the little girls would call each other..cousins??? talk about distant relatives :)

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